Today we came home. We left Dickson, TN at 7:30, stopped at a rest area around Forrest City, AR for a Subway sandwich picnic. We got to Magnolia at 4:30, then headed home.
(See trip summary below pictures)
Today we returned home from our 9 day Diamond Bus Tour to Lancaster, PA and Philadelphia. We were in 4 states and rode over 2,800 mile by bus.
The bus was the First Baptist Church of Magnolia church bus. It was very nice.
Time passed quickly while playing Bingo, playing trivia games, other games, singing, coloring contest, many snacking, visiting, and sleeping.
We spent 8 nights in 4 very nice motels. We were fed 9 very good evening meals in some very nice restaurants and 8 good breakfasts at the motels.
It was a pleasure to travel with my sister and brother-in-law and with 39 other Christian people from several different churches around Magnolia. This meant that every morning began with a devotional and prayer and sermons on both Sunday.
Our sponsor, Melba Keith, First Baptist Church of Magnolia was great. She had organized and planned everything really well. Our bus driver, Joe Ward from Magnolia was also a great person to get to know and did an excellent job driving.
We were able to see many things in Philadelphia and wile traveling through the Amish countryside, as we have pictured for the past 8 days.
It was a very, very good experience.